How recommendation works in OasisLMS
Logic behind "Cross-Selling Recommendation"
Logic behind "Cross-Selling Recommendation"
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Video Transcription
Now that we have discussed how the common learner recommendation works, let's continue to the cross-selling recommendation. The cross-selling recommendation is the idea that if you bought product A, I want to recommend product B. And if you buy product W, I might want to recommend product C or D. Or C and D. So let's turn it on. Once we turned on the cross-selling recommendation, let's go back to the same course that we were looking at in the earlier example. I'm just going to refresh my screen. This time, if I go to relate a product, you'll see that there is a new section here. And right now, there's no cross-selling records. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to add a new one. So let's suppose, by default, these are the recommendation logic. These are what's already being recommended. What I'm going to do is I'm going to say, hey, you know what, I want to overrule what the common learner recommendation engine is going to propose. I'm going to propose the user should do this strengthening transition to primary care. So I'm just going to use the dropdown. I'm just going to look for strengthening. There we go. This is the one. And I can also do reciprocal recommendation, which basically means that if you take course A, I will recommend course B. If you take course B, I will also do course A. So you basically create sort of a pointer, the point at each other. So that's what I'm going to do. And this threshold essentially allows you to say, I only want to recommend if someone scored a certain score on the post-test, which is a little bit more advanced. So we're not going to handle that. I'm just going to click on Save. So now you can see that not only I have – you can see that it's a reciprocal because there's two arrows. And I'm just going to right-click, and I'm going to open this in new tab. And under related, you can see that it's also created over here. So the logic here is when you have related product, you as administrator is manually setting what is recommended when a user finish a particular course. So this basically – you're saying to the system, I appreciate all the common learner recommendations that you're doing by building out this matrix, but I know better than you because I know what the course actually is. And I'm going to manually put in a few. And obviously, you can do a few more. So let's say that I'm going to add another one. I'm going to purposely pick the one at the bottom so that later on when I show how it works, you will notice that what would have been recommended by common learner engine is essentially being trumped by the explicit cross-selling engine. So I'm just going to say grand round out of – there we go. And this one, let's say I'm not going to create a reciprocal recommendation. Okay, great. So that's the idea behind how you can do cross-selling recommendation. The next recording will show what the user experience looks like. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video discusses the implementation of cross-selling recommendations, which suggest additional products based on a user's previous purchases. After activating this feature, the user manually adjusts recommendations by overriding the common learner engine with more tailored suggestions. This includes adding reciprocal recommendations, where two courses mutually suggest each other, and specifying criteria like post-test scores. This manual customization allows administrators to tailor recommendations according to their understanding of course relevancy, potentially enhancing the user experience over automated suggestions. The process includes setting cross-selling logic and observing changes in related product suggestions.
manual customization
reciprocal suggestions
post-test scores
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